I wound up separating my shoulder in the park. Looks like I am facing some downtime. So now when it dumps huge everyone can thank me for getting hurt and instigating some serious "Powder Murphy's Law"
Powder Murphy's Law- If one becomes hurt, has to work all week or travel to visit inlaws, the skies will open up and unleash the best powder days of the season.
sorry it happened--but--way to take one for the team... bring the murph-POW
If your right that means Tahoe will go off between jan.12-19 since I have a job to do in Sacremento. Hope the shoulder heals fast. If it makes it any better I dislocated mine already a week back and im back on the horse already.Go team old people!
That's a bummer about your shoulder. Hope it heals quick.
rail or jump??
Aframe rail/box thingy at the bottom of the park. It was a stupid wreck. Of course under the lift so not only would I experience the pain of the wreck, but the humilition of all the park groms pointing at me from the lift.
sorry man, bummer... get well soon!
Sorry Buddy, I had fun riding with you none the less. See ya soon
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